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TEACHING CHILDREN THE Joy OF GIVING while providing nutrition, clothing, and other basic needs to those in need.


Gift of Giving works with Avondale School District to identify areas of need for our free and reduced lunch students.  Our organization works with community members, businesses, municipalities, churches and Avondale students to fulfill the needs identified.  Working together, we reach more people while reducing duplication of effort.


Together, we have provided services to over 1200 students in the last 3 years.  Services provided were school supplies, winter coats, winter boots, gloves, hats, clothes, pants, shoes, blankets, and food.  


During the Holiday Drive in December, the Avondale Middle School Leadership class, Avondale Junior National Honor Society, and Avondale High School Leadership classes have supported the Holiday Food Drive by collecting breakfast and lunch items for our students in the free and reduced lunch program.  Each qualified student was provided with 2 weeks of breakfast and lunch items over the holiday break which they would have normally received during the school days.


As for the elementary students, many create drawings for the Color-Me-A-Smile program to bring smiles to many; package hygiene products for homeless shelters; make a quilt for Quilt-for-Kids; help sort and package canned goods for Gleaners Food Bank.


Through these efforts, children learn that they are empowered to make a change for society and help those in need.




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